Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ling and Lee News Release (comms211) 9-17-10

Our assignment was to watch the videos of journalists Ling and Lee returning home safely from North Korea and act as if it were breaking news. We then wrote an article on this breaking news...

Nicole Hillstead
391 words

Two American journalists, having been held hostage in North Korea for 140 days, landed safely back in Burbank, Calif. this morning.

Laura Ling, 32, and Euna Lee, 36, were arrested in March while reporting from the border between North Korea and China. Both of these young women were reunited with their families at 4:30 this morning at the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank.

After revealing the release of Ling and Lee, Ling’s father, Doug Ling, expressed his happiness.

“This is the happiest day of my life,” He said “it’s been an emotional yo-yo.”

Doug Ling said he had never lost hope. He knew that sooner or later his daughter would be back.

Showing much appreciation, Doug Ling, recognized that President Bill Clinton had a lot to do with the release of his daughter.

As the plane touched down in Burbank this morning we watched as overjoyed families joined Ling and Lee with many hugs and a few elated tears. Ling was able to reunite herself with her daughter and her husband before turning to the press for a few words.

“The nightmare of our lives is over,” Ling said referring to the women’s fear of being sent to a hard labor camp at any moment.

Having only been told they were being taken to a meeting, Ling and Lee, entered an unknown location,

“When we walked through the doors we saw standing before us President Bill Clinton” said Ling.

Holding back tears, Ling thanked the many people that had helped make it possible for the two women to make it home safely. She gave a special thanks to Al Gore, President Bill Clinton, and the people that had been praying and working towards the women’s safe return home.

“We could feel your love all the way in North Korea,” Ling said.

Al Gore then continued in thanking President Obama for his “humanitarian efforts,” and the families that were both “passionate and innovative.”

In a later press conference President Obama took the time to show appreciation for President Clinton, Gore, and the many other people that worked so hard to help release Ling and Lee from North Korea.

“I am extraordinarily relieved," said President Obama "my hope is that the families know that because of Clinton and Al Gore they get to spend this time together."

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